Thompson Township Ohio
USA National Flag
Geauga County, Ohio 44086
State of Ohio Flag
Remember to view the Events and the Public Notice sections for the latest information.

Click here for information on our Community Center

Sign up for Geauga Alerts!
In the event of an emergency or severe weather condition, a text message alert will be sent to the phone number provided. To reach the registration page go to the Sheriff's Office page and select "Geauga Public Alerts"
Click pictures to see full size
Thompson Township Town Hall, built in 1869

Sign commemorating Charles Martin Hall located south of town square.


Our Thompson
Township on

Facebook page run by a few residents, not the township

This web-site has been created to keep the residents of Thompson Ohio up to date on the news and events that concern our community.

You are encouraged to attend our monthly Trustees meetings.
See News section for dates and times.

I hope this web site will give you a little better understanding of just what your local government is all about, and the facilities we have.